
Saturday, December 13, 2014

Ira Glass Menagerie

mikewindy started this game in our heads by making a painting with a washing machine and a machine gun. He would always write down new ones but never really did much else except make a few more WMG paintings for friends. I've started a keeping a list in my notebook that he keeps in his pocket for me. I have decided to start making my own paintings of them since he's too busy to get around to it.

Some I'm itching to get started on are: chain saw dust pan flute, Mr. T Pot,  D.B. Todd Snider, Greely Myatt Drive, Lucy Lou Alcindor, Alicia Henry Aaron Douglass, John Wayne White, Magnum P.I. Dream of Geni, Simon & Simon & Garfunkel, Jay ZZ Top, Bonnie Prince Billy The Kid n' Play , Wyclef Jean Claude Van Damn Yankees and the longest one so far I love Lucy Lou Diamond Phillips Head Screw Drivers License Plate Glass Eye Ball Jar Fly Paper Boy George Jefferson Starship Enterprise. Stay Tuned.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Cardinal Visit

Been trying to get picture of this Cardinal for a week or so checking out mikewindy's "Triple Cardinal" . Got him today. I think he likes it.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

For the Birds

Howdy Hola,
mikewindy whose mind I'm a figment of has let me take his 2x2 gallery in a slightly different direction. I curmissioned(curated/commissioned) a group of work by him and stole an idea he previously utilized(but didn't quite see through if I may) while a graduated student at the University of Memphis. I am happy to present the 4 the Birds series in conjunction with the 2x2gallery. I'll be curmissioning other artists for future exhibitions and keep your eyes out for some videos and maybe even a live(bird) feed!
Note* Those sunflower seeds are not an Ai Wei Wei installation(yet). If you don't know his work ya'll do ya'llselves a favor and check him out.
Conceptually yours,
Cowboy Concept ya'll